ISSA Middle East

Fixing The Shoulder Pain

Program Description Are you suffereing from a rotator cuff injury or a chronic nagging shoulder pain? The shoulder complex is composed of the following four joints:

  1. 1. The gleno- Humeral (GH) joint.
  2. 2. The Acromio- Clavicular (AC) joint.
  3. 3. The Sterno- Clavicular (SC) joint.
  4. 4. The Scapula- Thoracic (ST) floating joint.

Each of the joints have to be positioned and maintained in its proper alignment and place. A group of fantastic muscles work synergystically like an amazing orchestra to achieve this task. A joint not very well balanced and/or deviated from its perfect place can be a source of discomfort and pain affecting the quality of life, making it difficult to perform a naive movement such as raising your arms above your head to dress, let alone physical performance!

Program Objectives This course will give you a crystal clear, no-hands barred details about the following:

  1. 1. Anatomy/structure of the shoulder complex
  2. 2. The static stabilizers
  3. 3. The dynamic stabilizers
  4. 4. The most common shoulder injuries (impingement, strains, sprains, tears, dislocation, arthritis, separation, adhesive capsulitis and more..).
  5. 5. Causes of shoulder injuries
  6. 6. Assessing the shoulder in terms of ROM and flexibility.
  7. 7. Screening the shoulder joint for injuries and/or possible injuries, weaknesses and imbalance.
  8. 8. Design prehab programs
  9. 9. Design rehab programs